Removing the shifter knob or selector lever handle on Mercedes-Benz is very easy. We will show you how to remove the shifter knob in less than 5 minutes. Step-by-step instructions are below, including a how-to video on removing the shifter knob on a C-Class W203, E-Class W211, and S-Class W220.
If your Mercedes-Benz has a boot (for example, W211, W209, W203), you must pop up the boot to unlock the shifter knob. In case you have a boot, use Interior Trim Removal Tool to remove the trim without damaging the bezel or wood.
Over time the shifter can get dirty, deteriorate and wear out, making your Mercedes-Benz interior look unattractive. You can change the shifter knob in less than five minutes. At the end of the article, you will also find the Top Alternatives for a new shifter knob.
Step 1
Set the emergency brakes and move the shifter to the Neutral position. This makes it easier to remove the shifter knob.
Step 2
Remove the shifter boot if you have one. In some models, you may need to remove the wood surround. The boot is clipped in place and can be lifted. In the case of the E-Class W211, CLK209, it will lift with the wood piece. Once you lift the trim, unplug the gear shift indicator PRND wires to get some room.
Step 3
Locate the bottom of the shifter. You see a locking ring/nut; turn it counter-clockwise to unlock the shifter knob/gear selector handle. By twisting that bottom part of the shifter, you unlock the knob, and you can easily pull it off.

Step 4
Lift the shifter knob straight up. Avoid rotating the shifter knob. Rotating the knob will cause it to feel loose when you reinstall it.
Video: How to remove Mercedes-Benz gear shifter knob/gear selector handle.

IMPORTANT: Do not rotate the shifter knob itself to remove it. This is very critical if you have a shifter with a START button. If you rotate the knob, you will brake the pins inside the shifter knob. Sometimes, you may need to remove the screws holding the ashtray to lift the center console wood piece. Always set the emergency brakes before you start removing the shifter knob.
Mercedes-Benz Shifter Knob Top 4 Alternatives
Here is a list of our favorite gear selector shifter knobs on Amazon.