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Mercedes-Benz DIY Complete Oil Change Instructions

This how-to article will give you step-by-step instructions on changing the oil and filter on your Mercedes-Benz. With oil changes costing over $200, no wonder so many Mercedes-Benz owners want to do their oil changes. We recommend you use the same oil and filter used by the dealer. Links to purchase the correct oil and filter at a fraction of dealer prices are provided below.  Changing the oil on a Mercedes-Benz is easier than in Japanese or domestic cars.

Make: Mercedes-Benz
Model: E CLA SLK ML S SL Class
Years: 2003-2015
Difficulty: Easy
DIY Cost: $45-$50
Shop Cost: $150-$230
Time: 30 Minutes
Frequency: 10,000 miles

It’s ok to go for a different brand but stay with full synthetic oil. The one advantage of Mobil1 is that you know it has been tested and designed for 10,000 oil change intervals.   The best price we have found on the Mobil1 0W40 oil is on Amazon, where you can buy a 5-quart bottle. You need 7 quarts for the 6-cylinder engines such as C240, E320, and CLK350. Eight quarts for V8 such as CLS550, E500 E55, ML500. mobil 1 right oil for mercedes benz 0w40
mercedes benz mann fleece oil filterThis may be the biggest investment if you don’t have the following. Even if you were to purchase all these tools, you would still spend less on the first oil change than you would at the shop. Here is what you will need; links to Amazon are provided if you need to purchase anything.


1. Pull the hood release

Locate the hood release handle on the interior on the driver’s side. Pull on the handle until you hear the hood release.

2. Open the hood

Open the hood by pulling on the triangle-shaped hood latch release.

3. Raise the car

You can use the jack that came with the car to raise the car. If you are planning on doing regular oil changes, then it will be worth investing in a set of Rhino Ramps Vehicle Ramps.

4. Remove the splash shield

Remove the splash shield, which is the black plastic underneath the engine. It is held in place with six 8mm screws. You will need an 8mm wrench to remove these bolts.

5. Drain Oil

Remove the oil drain plug. To remove the plug, use the 13mm wrench or socket and turn the bolt counterclockwise. Please note that it is easy to confuse the direction in that you need to turn the drain plug. If it is too difficult to remove the drain plug, ensure you are not tightening it. Let the oil drain for at least 10 minutes.

6. Remove part of the engine cover

Remove the front part of the engine cover. The plastic cover can be removed by pulling it up and away.

7. Remove the oil filter

Place the oil filter removal tool on the oil filter and remove it. Pull out the oil filter and replace the rubber O rings.

8. Install a new oil filter

Install the new oil filter and make sure that only one of the black lines is showing, not both.  Make sure to change the rubber O-rings every time you change the filter. If you have a torque wrench, tighten the filter to 25Nm.

9. Install the oil drain plug

Torque oil drain plug to 30 Nm or 23ft-lbs if you have a torque wrench. Make sure to replace the copper oil drain plug washer if you have a new one.

10. Add oil

Add six quarts of oil and then check the oil level. You don’t want to overfill. These engines keep a lot of oil inside the oil galleries, hydraulic lifters, and other parts. Let the car sit on level ground for 15 minutes, and check the oil level to see if you need to add more. If you overfill with oil, some models will show a warning on your dash saying, “Reduce Oil Level.”

11. Reset Service Reminder

Carefully lower the vehicle. Make sure to place back the engine cover that you removed earlier. Let the car sit for a while and check the oil level to ensure it is within the maximum and minimum range. As the last step, reset the service reminder. Procedures vary depending on the models. You can look up the procedures in your owner’s manual.

How much does it cost to change the Mercedes-Benz engine oil yourself?

If you change the oil yourself, you can get the job done for less than $60, assuming you have a few basic tools. The V6 (for example, E320) engines need approximately 7 quarts, and the V8 (for example, CLK500) needs 8 quarts. When you change the oil, start by putting 5 or 6 quarts and then add as needed to bring the oil level to the required level.

Oil changes are very critical for your engine. We want you to save money, but there is no room to cut corners regarding oil changes. We don’t believe in $19.99 oil change specials for Mercedes-Benz. Why? If you use the required oil and filter the manufacturer recommends, you will spend around $60 for parts alone. With the quick and cheap oil changes offered by repair shops, you are not getting the same oil or filter your Mercedes-Benz dealer uses. The problem we see all the time is that the installed filter is not designed for extended mileage. Most filters are not designed for 10,000 oil change intervals.

If you get $19.99 special oil changes, you should change your oil every 3 000 miles. We believe that for that price, you are not getting a quality oil filter or oil that can lubricate your engine for 10 000 miles.

Can I use regular oil on Mercedes-Benz cars?

The dealer will tell you no.

Yes, you can use regular oil with the correct oil viscosity and change the oil every 3,000 miles. Regular oil will break down and can not lubricate the engine for 10,000. Keep track of the mileage, and don’t wait for the car to remind you of the oil intervals. You will need to change the oil more frequently, or you will damage the engine if you use regular oil for 10,000 miles.

Should I change my Mercedes-Benz oil at quick oil change shops?

We don’t recommend quick oil change places because most will not have an oil that has been approved and will last 10,000 miles. Even more important, the oil filter needs to be able to last for 10,000 miles. Most cartridge filters are not designed to last 10,000. You need to use a fleece filter such as the Mann Fleece Filter For Mercedes-Benz.

Typically every 10,000 if you use the recommended Mobil1 0W-40 and Mann Fleece filter.  If you use conventional oil or a cartridge oil filter, we recommend changing the oil every 3,000 miles.

One comment

  1. Why does it say to add six quarts of oil when the owners manual says 8.5 quarts of oil. For the e320 V6

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