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Where to Order New Replacement Key for Mercedes Benz

Are you looking to get a new key made for your Mercedes Benz? Did you lose all of your keys? That’s ok. If you own a newer Mercedes-Benz, you don’t need the old keys to order a new Mercedes key. Just follow the instruction below on how to order a new Mercedes key. 

Keys for older Mercedes-Benz

We have learned that Mercedes-Benz no longer makes replacement keys for older models. Generally, if you own a pre-2000 Mercedes-Benz, you may have difficulty finding a replacement key. You should check with the dealer, but here are your options if they have discontinued keys for your car.

Find a locksmith that specializes in European cars. They are more likely to have a device such as the AK500 programmer

Not all locksmiths can make Mercedes-Benz keys, but in most major cities, you will find locksmiths who can make Mercedes-Benz keys.

How to order a new Mercedes replacement key

What do you need to order a new key? You don’t need the car with you or even your existing key. The dealer will order the right key for your car from the VIN. With that said, they are very strict on verifying ownership.

If you are the current owner of the vehicle:

  • Locate the closest Mercedes Benz dealer.  Click Here
  • Get your current vehicle registration. If not registered, the original title will do.
  • Get your driver’s license or passport, or identity card.
  • Head over to the dealer.
  • Show them your documents and pay the $200 to $300 for your new key. In some cases, new keys may cost up to $560, as reported by Mercedes-Benz owners.
  • Wait 3 to 4 days for the key to be shipped to your dealership. Keys are made in the USA in some cases, and they have to be shipped from Germany, in which case you may have to wait up to 10 days.

If you are NOT the current owner of the vehicle: 

  • All the required documents as if you were the owner of the car, plus you will need the following:
  • A Signed and dated authorization from the vehicle owner for which the key is being requested.


  • Use aMercedes key cover to protect you key from accidental damage.
  • If the key fob shell is damaged, consider replacing your Mercedes key shell with a new one.
  • For some models, you can order a WALLET KEY which will unlock and start the car but doesn’t have the keyless door functions. The wallet key is cheaper, so check if this is available for your model.
  • Copies of the originals of the documents above are not accepted. They need to be originals.
  • Each intelligent key uses a rolling code when it unlocks/locks your car. So you can’t just make a copy of the existing key.
  • If you lose a key and you are worried that it is in the wrong hands, you can take your car to the dealer, and they can disable the lost key.
  • Mercedes Benz says that they need to synchronize the new key to the car. You can easily do that yourself. The key comes pre-programmed to your car and will start without further programming. The synchronization is more for the doors, windows, and unlock functions. Even those functions have worked for me every time without any further synchronization.

These steps work if you live in the USA, Canada, or any country with an authorized Mercedes Benz dealer near you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask by filling out the comment form below.


  1. Lost my only key to my 99cl500 dealer says replacement is no longer available, what do I do this is my daily driver

  2. I had Mercedes Benz of Medford order a new key and ignition switch for my 99 kompressor . That should have gotten my car running but they said it didn’t. Because their computers could not communicate with the cars brain. Therefore the could not program the switch. So the parts are in and still not running. Now I owe a thousand bucks and they’re keeping my car till I pay. So I said take the parts off and return them since they couldn’t program them and they said it can’t be done that once the parts are ordered they’re committed to my car and can’t be returned so I have to pay the 1000 bucks no matter what. Is that true. That they can’t take the parts off and return them that they belong to my car now?

  3. Hi, I am Georg from Munich, Germany.

    I am the owner of two Mercedes W124, one Coupé and a Cabriolet.
    I have tried to order replacement for a lost infrared key, but Mercedes told me, these keys were no longer available.
    Unofficially, I have got the information, that Mercedes has learned the lesson and will be able to deliver the infrared keys in 2018. But that may be just a hearsay….
    There are many people in Germany who have complained about that matter which was also subject to articles in famous newspapers.

    So I hope that Daimler will find a solution!

    Regards from Germany!

  4. my slk 230 1999 model i lost my smart key for now since 7 months back my car is not starting pls help any solution pls

  5. A friend of mine passed away he wanted me to have this clk 430 in really perfect shape, I really didn’t need it but paid the family to pay bills but we couldn’t find keys to doors and trunk, the remote doesn’t do anything but start the car, how do I replace keys without costing a large amount of money through Mercedes Benz? jer

  6. I need a new key for my 2000 mercedes-benz s430.

  7. Why is it the dealership must see the car to order my ley? I have they the title and I live 1 hour from the nearest dealership?

    • They need to verify you are the owner. If you aren’t the owner or don’t pick up the key, they will be stuck with a useless key. They can’t reuse that key on other cars. They don’t make the keys at the dealership. Keys have to be ordered.

  8. What a disgrace I have a 97 sl500 and cannot get a key for the car. See what the attorneys say

  9. Im only buying Nissan no more Mercedes too much trouble with small stuff like windshield spray jets stuff I never worry about on a maxima, my older sister told me Mercedes are trouble, now no key replacement this is insane.

  10. What happened to old school cut keys? Have we really gotten that lazy? It puts the key in and turns!!

  11. I own a 1998 SL 500 lost key and dealer doesn’t make it. I’m in NJ what should I do? I don’t mind paying cause I cant drive the car now

  12. Mercedes discontinued 97 thru 2002 key replacements and wont give an option for you to start your car i have sl 500 mercedes and im so upset they gave no options for all these owners

  13. Thatis Bratcher

    I Bought a 2004 C-240 2 months ago. Without a the key fob. The part that goes into the ignition switch is all I have. The remote control part is missing. How can I program the new one.

  14. Do you now where I can get a replacement key cover asap, the infrared cover at the tip of my key broke and the car won’t start.

  15. Lost my keys for a c220 CDI, Mercedes wanted £370 for a new one + Vat + recovery to dealer and my log book was inside glovebox after returning from France trip so they would not touch until replacement arrived I was looking at 7 – 10 days to get going again, got a guy to come to me same day and sort he was there 30 minutes and I have 2 keys for less than the dealers wanted for 1 key.

    • Hi Mr. Morley,
      I am Richard Hall and I have a problem with my extra key it fell and a car passed on it I tried to fix it in my country to no avail

      Richard Hall

  16. I have a 1998 s420 and the only keys was lose, I went to the dealer but the key was discontinued are that don’t have any idea if or went this key will be made. Is there any other way to get a key for this car?

  17. I called the dealership today to have my moms key replaced after being lost. they are charging $420 to replace the key. Its a 1995 SL! The car itself it barely worth that. There has to be a cheaper way. Please help.

  18. I have a 1997 SL320, great car, but can’t drive it because I lost all the keys. Went to dealership, they tried to order replacement keys, but they didn’t work and then they said Mercedes told them they no longer make keys for my car. Seriously????? Mercedes has a monopoly on being the only company allowed to make the replacement keys and they stop making this one, some type of chip in the wallet key and the remote that only can be made by Mercedes or whoever supplies them.
    There must be other people out there with this problem! What can we do? Can someone help?
    Thank you

    • Hi Charles
      I have exactly the same problem!! 1995 E320 Cabriolet and my only key was stolen along with my bag and everything else from my daily drive car. MB say no keys available and offfer absolutely no assistance or advise as to other solutions.
      How did you resolve your problem?
      Hope you did as it has been 6 months since your post.

  19. nicholas cremato

    Mercedes has discontinued the keyfob for my 1999 ML320.
    I can’t get replacement keys at all and they will not reprogram an old one.

    • You are right. I have a 2002 ML320 and MB discontinued the keyfob but they can cut you a key that can open your car manually and start your car. current cost is $45 plus tax. If the new key won’t turn the door lock, that’s because you have been using the remote and not the key for a long time. A little lube will work.

  20. Penelope mcgarry

    My keys to my s500 mercedes benz were destroyed in a house fire what snd how is the cheapest way to replace my ignition key

  21. Our key is not working. Mercedes will not made another because there have been 8 keys made previously. Do you know have any ideas?

    • You may have to tow the car there. They should be able to remove one of the keys from the memory.

      • There is only one model (ML) for a 2 year period (98-99) that has the issue of 8 keys available. There is no way to remove one of those keys. The only option left on those vehicles is to replace the lock set, the ECU, and the AAM. This is not cheap. 3-4 thousand dollars for parts alone. I am a parts manager at a Mercedes-benz dealership. I know this to to be true 100%

    • I don’t exactly know when Mercedes instituted the eight key limit I know when I bought my car there was no issue with that so should we be grandfathered…. I know ther was a Volkswagen lawsuit regarding this issue …..can a company make rules. Unilaterally

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